Highline Busn 218: Advanced Excel (Spreadshseet Construction) | ![]() ![]() |
Syllabus (click to view pdf, right-click to
download file)
Introductory Video
(click to view video)
Videos, Written Handouts, Homework and Homework Solutions:
Week 1:
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 1:
Video to watch:
Excel Basics 1:
Introduction To Excel 1: Formatting, Formulas, Cell References, Page Setup (
01:02:54 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: None
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 2:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 2: Introduction to Excel 2: Excel's Golden Rule for Formulas, Formula
Inputs, & Charts (
37:49 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: None
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 3:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 3: Count & Add with COUNT, COUNTA, SUM, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS Functions (Intro
Excel #3) (
21:06 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 4:
Video to watch:
Excel Basics 4: PivotTables & SUMIFS
Function to Create Summary Reports (Intro Excel #4) (
33:25 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: EB04-SUMIFSandPivotTables.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 5:
Video to watch: Excel Basics 5: Power of PivotTables
to Create Reports with Various Calculations & Layouts (
20:19 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: EB05-PivotTableCalculationsLayout.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Important Video 01 - 05 Concept Summary: Office2016Class17s-ExcelBasics01-05-KeyConcepts.pdf
Week 2:
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 6
- 8:
** There are three videos here with
one Excel file and one handout:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 6: Customize Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) and Show New Ribbon Tabs (
10:17 min)
Video to watch:
Excel Basics 7: Keyboard
Shortcuts Are Fast! (
08:15 min)
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 8: Default Data Alignment In Excel & How it Can Help ( 09:25 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: EB06-08QATKeyboardsDefaultAlign.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 9:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 9: Number Formatting as Façade & the ROUND Function (
28:49 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: EB09-NumberFormattingAndROUND.xlsm
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 2 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 10:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 10: Date & Time Number Formatting, Formulas, Functions & Calculations (
39:53 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: EB10DateTimeNumberFormattingAndCalculations.xlsm
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 4 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 11:
Video to watch:
Excel Basics 11: Search
for Excel Functions & get help with Function Arguments ( 17:04 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: EB11SearchForFunctions.xlsm
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: None.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 12:
Video to watch:
Excel Basics 12: Complete
Formula Lesson of Formula Types & Formula Elements 12 Examples (
42:25 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: EB12-FormulaElements.xlsm
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 5 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 13:
Video to watch:
Excel Basics 13: IF
Function Made Easy! IS Functions Too! 14 Epic Examples!! (
54:07 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 4 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 14:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 14: Excel VLOOKUP Function Made Easy! 9 Examples to Make Your Job Easier! (
40:07 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project 27: Excel Basics 15:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 15: Excel Table Feature & Dynamic Ranges for VLOOKUP, PivotTables, &
more! ( 36:46 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class27-ExcelBasics15-VExcelTableFeature.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 2 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 16:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 16: Mixed Cell References #1 Trick to Creating Formulas Quickly!!! ( 45:07 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class28-ExcelBasics16-MixedCellReferences.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 4 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Week 3:
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 17:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 17: Style Formatting: By Hand, Cell, Table & Conditional Formatting ( 18:02 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class29-ExcelBasics17-StyleFormatting.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 2 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 18:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 18: Defined Names in Excel Formulas & Functions & For Jump Go To!
( 10:44 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over): EB18-DefinedNamesFinishedFile.xlsm
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class30-ExcelBasics18-DefinedNames.pdf
Homework to practice: None.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 19:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 19: SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS, functions calculations w 1 or more
Criteria ( 35:15 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class31-ExcelBasics19-SUMIFSandSimilarFunctions.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 20:
Video to watch:
Excel Basics 20:
PivotTable Power: 14 Amazing PivotTable Reporting Tricks: Slicers to Show Values
As ( 39:49 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class32-ExcelBasics20PivotTables.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 21:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 21: Relationships Rather than VLOOKUP for PivotTable Reports (Excel 2016
Data Model) ( 21:34 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
EB21-PivotTablesRelationshipsFinished.xlsm and
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class33-ExcelBasics21PivotTablesRelationships.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 22:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 22: Set Default PivotTable Layout & Options in Excel 2016 Office 365 or
Later ( 04:25 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class34-ExcelBasics22DefaultPivotTableLayoutExcel2016.pdf
Homework to practice: None.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 23:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 23: Data Analysis Features: Sort, Filter, Flash Fill to Organize & Clean
Data ( 30:07 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
Finished file for Video/Class Project to download
(example of how file looks after video is over):
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class35-ExcelBasics23SortFilterFlashFill.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 4 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 24:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 24: Excel Charts & Graphs to Visualize Quantitative Data. No Chart
Junk!!! ( 34:33 min)
Start & Finished file for Video/Class Project to download:
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class36-ExcelBasics24Charts.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 - 5 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Video/Class Project Excel Basics 25:
Video to watch: Excel
Basics 25: Power Query (Get & Transform) to Clean & Transform Data into Proper
Data Set ( 30:53 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
Zipped Folder with Text Files used for importing into Excel:
Handout to download (pdf notes): Office2016Class37-ExcelBasics25-PowerQueryGetAndTransform.pdf
Homework to practice: HW # 1 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video.
Important Video 01 - 25 Concept Summary: ExcelBasics01-25-KeyConcepts.pdf
Week 4:
Project E-DAB 01:
Video to watch:
E-DAB 01: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics Class 01: What is Data
Analysis & Business Intelligence? ( 12:41 min)
PowerPoint Video Notes:
No Homework for this video
Project E-DAB 02:
Video to watch:
E-DAB 02: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics:
Data, Proper Data Sets, Excel Tables, Logical Tests, More ( 35:26 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-02-Start-DataTablesFilterLogicTest.xlsx
Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-02-Finished-DataTablesFilterLogicTest.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes): E-DAB-02-DataTablesFilterLogicTest.pdf
Homework to practice:
In the above Excel Download file named
"E-DAB-02-Start-DataTablesFilterLogicTest.xlsx", at the end of the worksheets
are 3 problmes for you to complete. The problems are on the blue sheets and the
answers are on the red sheets.
Project E-DAB 03:
Video to watch:
E-DAB 03: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics: Excel Spreadsheet Formulas Old
School? Or Dynamic Arrays?
( 29:52 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-03-FormulasStart.xlsx
Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-03-FormulasFinished.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes): E-DAB-03-Formulas.pdf
Homework to practice:
In the above Excel Download file named
"E-DAB-03-FormulasStart.xlsx ", at the end of the worksheets
are 2 problmes for you to complete. The problems are on the blue sheets and the
answers are on the red sheets.
Project E-DAB 04:
Video to watch:
E-DAB 04: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics:
PivotTables & Slicers to Create Dashboards & Summary Reports ( 29 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-04-PivotTablesStart.xlsx
Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-04-PivotTablesFinished.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice:
In the above Excel
Download file named "E-DAB-04-PivotTablesStart.xlsx ", at the end of the worksheets
are 4 problmes for you to complete. The problems are on the blue sheets and the
answers are on the red sheets.
Project E-DAB 05:
Video to watch:
05: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basic: Visualizing Data w Tables, Charts,
Formatting & Dashboards ( 54:40 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-05-Visualizations-Start.xlsx
Finished file for Video/Class Project to download: E-DAB-05-Visualizations-Finished.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Homework to practice:
In the above Excel
Download file named "E-DAB-05-Visualizations-Start.xlsx ", at the end of the worksheets
are 5 problmes for you to complete. The problems are on the blue sheets and the
answers are on the red sheets.
Week 5 - 6:
Project E-DAB 06:
Video to watch:
06: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics: The Magic of Power Query to Import,
Transform & Load Data ( 26:39 min)
All files needed to follow along with video and do homework are in this zipped
folder you can download:
If you want, you can donwload files individually:
Excel Start File:
Excel Finished File:
Text files for video example #1:
Ex01March2019.txt , Ex01April2019.txt
Files for Example #2:
Handout to download (pdf notes): E-DAB-06-PowerQuery.pdf
Homework to practice:
Homework #2 Text File HW02CarDealerSurveyData.txt
In the above Excel
Download file named "E-DAB-06-PowerQuery-Start.xlsx " at the end of the worksheets
are 2 problmes for you to complete. The problems are on the blue sheets and the
answers are on the red sheets. Text file for Homewprk #2 is above and is
named "HW02CarDealerSurveyData.txt ".
Project E-DAB 07:
Video to watch:
E-DAB 07: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics:
Data Modeling: Excel Formulas, Power Query, Power Pivot?
( 45:20 min)
All files needed to follow along with video and do homework are in this zipped
folder you can download:
If you want, you can donwload files individually:
Excel Start File:
Access Data Source File:
Excel Finished File:
Handout to download (pdf notes): E-DAB-07-DataModeling.pdf
Homework to practice: Homework instructions and problem are in this Excel Workbook
file: E-DAB-07-HomeworkStart.xlsx solution
to homework is here:
Project E-DAB 08:
Video to watch:
08: Excel Data Analysis & BI Basics: Power Pivot: Big Data, Data Modeling, DAX &
Dashboard ( 44:41 min)
All files needed to follow along with video and do homework are in this zipped
folder you can download:
If you want, you can donwload files individually:
Excel Start File: E-DAB-08-SQLBigDataDAXFormualsStart.xlsx
Excel Finished File:
Handout to download (pdf notes): E-DAB-08-SQLBigDataDAXFormuals.pdf
Homework to practice: Homework instructions and problem are in this Excel Workbook
file: E-DAB-08-HomeworkStart.xlsx solution
to homework is here:
Project E-DAB 09:
NOTE: Power BI Desktop Ribbon tab has changed. Read
this BEFORE watching video:
Video to watch: E-DAB
09: Power BI Desktop: Data Modeling & Interactive Visualizations (Data Analysis
& BI Basics)
( 37:36 min)
All files needed to follow along with video and do homework are in this zipped
folder you can download:
If you want, you can donwload files individually:
Excel Start File:
Zipped Folder with Files:
Power BI Desktop Finished File:
Handout to download (pdf notes): E-DAB-09-PowerBIDesktop.pdf
Homework to practice: Homework instructions and problem are in this
E-DAB-09-HomeworkProblem-PowerBI.docx solution
to homework is here:
Project E-DAB 10:
Video to watch: E-DAB-10:
Excel & Power BI Together! Import, Publish and Share (Excel Data Analysis & BI
( 14:36 min)
All files needed to follow along with video and do homework are in this zipped
folder you can download:
If you want, you can donwload files individually:
Excel Start Source Table File:
Excel Start Source Data Model File:
Power BI Desktop Start File:
Important Notes:
Hints about Importing Excel Data Model into Power BI Desktop File.docx
(Steps for Importing Excel Data Model into Power BI File with the new
User Interface in 2020 Power BI Desktop).
Power BI Desktop Finished File:
Handout to download (pdf notes): E-DAB-10-ExcelAndPowerBIShare.pdf
Homework to practice: Homework instructions and problem are in this
zipped fodler: E-DAB-10-HomeworkFiles.zip
Week 7:
Project Advanced Excel 04:
Video to
Highline Excel 2016
Class 04: References: Relative, Absolute, Mixed, Sheet, Workbook, 3-D, Table and
more (24 Examples) (1 hour 43 min)
Excel File:
Busn218-Video04Start.xlsm and
(for Video and Homework)
Excel File for Workbook Reference:
May Net Income.xlsx
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 04 Cell References Defined Names Table Formula
Nomenclature.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to #13
Video/Class Project Advanced Excel 05:
Video to wtach:
Highline Excel 2016
Class 05: Excel Array Formulas: Comprehensive Lessons: 12 Examples (52 min)
Excel File: Busn218-Video05.xlsm
(for Video and Homework)
Highline Excel 2016 Class 05 Introduction To Array Formulas.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to #4
No Project This Week.
Project Advanced Excel 06:
Video to watch:
Highline Excel 2016
Class 06: Conditional Calculations with Excel Formulas: Comprehensive Lessons (1
hour 23 min)
Excel File:
Busn218-Video06Start.xlsx and
(for Video and Homework)
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 06 Conditional Calculations with Excel Formulas AND &
OR Criteria.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to 9
Week 8 - 10:
Project Advanced Excel 08:
Video to watch:
Highline Excel 2016
Class 08: Text Formulas and Text Functions to Join and Extract Data
(30 min)
Excel File: Busn218-Video08.xlsx
(for Video and Homework)
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 08 Text Functions.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to 2
Project Advanced Excel 09:
Video to watch:
Highline Excel 2016
Class 09: Date Formulas and Date Functions, including Fiscal Quarter & Year
(22 min)
Excel File: Busn218-Video09.xlsx
(for Video and Homework)
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 09 Date Functions.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to 6
Project Advanced Excel 10:
Video to watch:
Highline Excel 2016
Class 10: Excel Data Validation (List, Custom & More), Comprehensive Lesson
(24 min)
Excel File: Busn218-Video10.xlsx
(for Video and Homework)
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 10 Data Validation.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to 2
Project Advanced Excel 11:
Video to watch:
Highline Excel 2016
Class 11: Lookup Functions & Formulas, Comprehensive Lessons, 20 Examples (1
hour 18 mins)
Excel File: Busn218-Video11.xlsx
(for Video and Homework)
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 11 Lookup Functions.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to 10
Project Advanced Excel 16:
Video to watch: Highline
Excel 2016 Class 16: Conditional Formatting to Visualize Data: Built-in &
Logical Formulas (44 mins)
Excel File: Busn218-Video16.xlsx
(for Video and Homework)
Highline Excel 2016 Class 16 Conditional Formatting to Visualize Data - Copy.pdf (click to view pdf,
right-click to download file)
Homework to practice:
Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to 13
Project Advanced Excel 24:
Video to watch: Highline
Excel 2016 Class 24: Financial Functions: PMT, RATE, NPER and FV 12 Examples (41 mins)
Excel File:
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 24 Finance Functions in Excel.pdf
Homework to practice: Sheets at end of downloaded Excel Workbook: HW #1 to 4
Project Advanced Excel 26:
Video to watch: Highline
Excel 2016 Class 26: Macro Recorder Basics & Copying VBA Code From Internet (40 mins)
Excel File:
Busn218-Video26Start.xlsm and
Busn218-Video26Finished.xlsm (Video)
Handout to download (pdf notes):
Highline Excel 2016 Class 26 Recorded Macros.pdf
Homework: None
End Of Class Videos