Download files for Chapter 06 (Right-click link, then click SAVE to download):
Download Excel files:
ACCTG455-Ch06-SecondFile.xlsx (Two zero coupon bond examples)
ACCTG455-Ch06-ThirdFile.xlsx (After tax cash flow example)
ExcelShort43-49.xlsx (Goes with the seven one minute short videos. Videos: 50.1, 50.2, 50.3, 50.4, 53.1, and 53.2) )
Download notes: ACCTG455-Ch06.pdf
Videos to watch for chapter 06:
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 45: Interest Rates: Real, Nominal, Inflation and the Fisher Effect (18 mins)
ACCTG 455 Excel Finance Class 46: Bonds: Set Of Cash Flows Discounted At Market Rate, Coupon or Zero (28 mins)
ACCTG 455 Excel Finance Class 47: Selling Bond When Coupon Rate Not Equal To Discount Rate: YTM Rate (8 mins)
ACCTG 455 Excel Finance Class 48: Calculate YTM and Effective Annual Yield From Bond Cash Flows (4 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 49: Bond Quoted Price & Yield To Market (6 mins)
ACCTG 455 Excel Finance Class 50: Bond Rates Are Inversely Related To Bond Price, Excel Chart Visual (7 mins)
ACCTG 455 # 50.1: Conditional Formatting for Bond Sold at Discount or Premium. #Short Excel Trick 43 (1 min)
ACCTG 455 # 50.2: IFS Function for Bond Value "Par", "Discount", or "Premium". #Short Excel Trick 44 (1 min)
ACCTG 455 #50.3: Spill Bond Valuation PV Function Formula Across YTM Rates. #Short Excel Trick 45 (1 min)
ACCTG 455 #50.4: Visualize Inverse Relationship for Bond Price & YTM Rate. #Short Excel Trick 46 (1 min)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 51: Par - Discount - Premium Bonds (10 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 52: Bond Discount Or Premium Amortization Table. (7 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 53: Bond Discount Or Premium Journal Entries (8 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 54: Bonds & Interest Rate Risk (11 mins)
ACCTG 455 #54.1: Bond Interest Rate Risk: Longer Maturity, More YTM Affects Bond Price. #Short 47 (1 mins)
ACCTG 455 #54.2: Bond Rate Risk: Lower Coupon Rate, The More YTM Affects Bond Price. #Short 48 (1 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 55: Tax Advantage of Muni Bond (3 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 56: Tax Implications For Zero Coupon Bonds. (8 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 57: Compare Cash Flows For a Coupon & A Zero Coupon Bond (11 mins)
ACCTG 455: Excel Finance Class 58: After Tax Cash Flows & After Tax Interest Rates (6 mins)