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Excel Class Content
Video 01Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 1: Introduction To Microsoft Excel
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 01 Introduction To Microsoft Excel FInished File.xlsx
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 01_Introduction to Excel Handout Notes.pdf
Assigned Homework: None
Video 02Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 2: Formula Inputs, Excel Model and Golden Rule
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 02_Formula Inputs and Excel Golden Rule Finished
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 02_FormulaInputsExcelModelandGoldenRule.pdf
Assigned Homework: #1 – 2 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video
Video 03Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 3: Number Formatting, Round Function and Dynamic Spilled
Array Formula
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 03_NumberFormattingRoundDynamicSpill.xlsx
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 03_Number Formatting Round Function and Dynamic Spilled
Array Formula.pdf
Assigned Homework: #1 – 2 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video
Video 04Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 4: Date and Time Number Formatting, and MROUND Function
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 04_Date and Time Number Formatting MROUNDFunction.xlsx
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 04_Date and Time Number Formatting and MRound
Assigned Homework: #1 – 4 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video
Video 05Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 5: Calculate with one or more Criteria (Conditions)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 05_Calculate with one or more Criteria.xlsx
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 05_Calculate With one or more Criteria (Conditions).pdf
Assigned Homework: #1 – 4 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video
Video 06Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 6: Excel Table Feature and Calculations with more than one
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 6 _Excel Table Feature.xlsx
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 06_Excel Table Feature.pdf
Assigned Homework: #1 – 3 at the end of the Excel
workbook for this video
Video 07Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 7: Create Summary Reports Using Standard PivotTables and
Adding Slicers
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 07_Create Summary Reports Using Standard PivotTables and
Adding Slicers .xlsx
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 07_Create Summary Reports Using Standard PivotTables and
Adding Slicers.pdf
Assigned Homework: Homework #1 – 4 at the end of the
Excel workbook for this video
Video 08Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 8: Standard PivotTables Reports:- Summarize Values By and
Show Values As
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
M365 Excel Basics Video 08_Standard PivotTable Reports-Summarize Values By and
Show Values As.xlsx
Handout to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 08 _Standard PivotTable Reports-Summarize Values By and
Show Values As.pdf
Assigned Homework: Homework #1 – 2 at the end of the
Excel workbook for this video
Video 09Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 09: VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP Functions
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 09_VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP Functions.xlsx
Handout to download: M365
Excel Basics Video 09 _The VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP Functions.pdf
Assigned Homework: Homework #1 – 3 at the end of the
Excel workbook for this video
Video 10Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 10: Relationships For Excel Tables
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 10_Relationships For Excel Tables and PivotTables
M365 Excel Basics Video 10_Relationships For Excel Tables and PivotTables
Excel Basics Video 10_XLOOKUP FinishedFile.xlsx
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
Handout to download: M365
Excel Basics Video 10 _Relationships for Excel Tables.pdf
Assigned Homework: Homework #1 at the end of the
Excel workbook for this video
Video 11Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 11: IF Function, IS Functions and Logical Tests (Functions)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 11_ IF and IS Functions and Logical Tests
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over):
Handout to download: M365
Excel Basics Video 11_IF and IS Functions and Logical Tests (Functions).pdf
Assigned Homework: None
Video 12Excel Basics MS 365 Excel:
Video to watch: M365
Excel Basics Video 12_SORT and FILTER Features in Excel
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
M365 Excel Basics Video 12_SORT and FILTER Features in Excel_Start File.xlsx
Finished file for Video/Class Project to
download (example of how file looks after video is over): M365
Excel Basics Video 12_SORT and FILTER Features in Excel_Finished File.xlsx
Handout to download: M365
Excel Basics Video 12_SORT and FILTER Features in Excel.pdf
Assigned Homework: None