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Excel Class Content

Chapter 01:

Video/Class Project 19, Excel 2013 Basics 01:
Handout to download: Video19-Excel2013Basics01-IntroProject01-Notes.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to download (example of how file looks after video is over): Video19-Excel2013Basics01-Gradebooks.xlsx
Video to watch: Office 2013 Class #19: Excel Basics 1: Excel Grid, Formatting, Formulas, Cell References, Page Setup  (50:47 min)
Homework from textbook: None

Video/Class Project 20, Excel 2013 Basics 02:
Handout to download: Video20-Excel2013Basics02-IntroProject02-Notes.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Finished file for Video/Class Project to download (example of how file looks after video is over): Video20-Excel2013Basics02-Net Income Projections.xlsx
Video to watch: Office 2013 Class #20: Excel Basics 02: Formula Inputs For Formulas and Charts & Excel's Golden Rule (31:16 min)
Homework from textbook: None

Video/Class Project 21, Excel 2013 Basics 03:
Handout to download: Video21-Excel2013Basics03-IntroProject03-Notes.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: Video21-Excel2013Basics03-CountingAddingWithCriteria.xlsx
Video to watch: Office 2013 Class #21: Excel Basics 03: Count & Add: COUNT, COUNTA, SUM, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS functions  (12:27 min)
Homework from textbook:
    1) Excel Chapter 1 Project: pages EX 1-54
Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video21-Excel2013Basics03-CountingAddingWithCriteria.xlsx"
    2) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" and HW(2) and HW(3)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.

Handout after first three videos: Key concepts through Excel Basic videos 01 to 03.docx

Video/Class Project 22, Excel 2013 Basics 04:
Handout to download: Video22-Excel2013Basics04-IntroProject04-Notes.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: Video22-Excel2013Basics04-PivotTablesAreEasy.xlsx
Video to watch: Office 2013 Class #22: Excel Basics 04: PivotTables Are Easy! SUMIFS or PivotTable for Region Report  (13:28 min)
Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video22-Excel2013Basics04-PivotTablesAreEasy.xlsx"
    2) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" and HW(2) and HW(3) and HW(4)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.

Video/Class Project 23-27, Excel 2013 Basics 05-09
Handout to download: Video23-27-Excel2013Basics05-09-Keyboards-Calculations-Data.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: Video23-27-Excel2013Basics05-09-Keyboards-Calculations-Data.xlsm
Video to watch:
    Office 2013 Class #23: Excel Basics 05: Customize the Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon  (5:47 min)
    Office 2013 Class #24: Excel Basics 6: Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Are Fast! 10 Examples  (11:30 min)
    Office 2013 Class #25: Excel Basics 07: What Excel Does: Calculations and Data Analysis  (6:22 min)
    Office 2013 Class #26: Excel Basics 08: Default Alignment In Excel. Numbers stored As Text Trouble  (4:04 min)
    Office 2013 Class #27: Excel Basics 09: Keeping Data in Excel: Proper Data Set or Excel Table  (13:18 min)
Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video23-27-Excel2013Basics05-09-Keyboards-Calculations-Data.xlsm"
    1) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" and HW(2) and HW(3) and HW(4) and HW(5)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.

Video/Class Project 28-34, Excel 2013 Basics 10-16:
Handout to download:  Video28-34-Excel2013Basics10-16-FormattingAndFormulas.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:  Video28-34-Excel2013Basics10-16-FormattingAndFormulas.xlsm
Video to watch:
    Office 2013 Class #28: Excel Basics 10: Style Formatting: By Hand, Cell, Table & Conditional Format  (22:49 mins)
    Office 2013 Class #29: Excel Basics 11: Number Formatting & Formulas Don't Get Tricked By The Façade  (28:31 mins)
    Office 2013 Class #30: Excel Basics 12: ROUND function: When and How to use it in Business   (10:10 mins)
    Office 2013 Class #31: Excel Basics 13: Examples of Excel Formulas & Formula Elements  (12:22 mins)
    Office 2013 Class #32: Excel Basics 14: Math and Order of Operations in Excel Formulas   (2:40 mins)
    Office 2013 Class #33: Excel Basics 15: Entering Cell References in Formulas & Edit Mode Status Bar   (3:38 min)
    Office 2013 Class #34: Excel Basics 16: Flash Fill To Combine or Extract Text   (3:59 mins)
Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video28-34-Excel2013Basics10-16-FormattingAndFormulas.xlsm"
    1) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" to HW(6)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.

Video/Class Project 35-40, Excel 2013 Basics 17-22:
Handout to download:
Start file for Video/Class Project to download:
Video to watch:
    Office 2013 Class #35: Excel Basics 17: Search for Excel Functions: PMT & MEDIAN Functions  (17:41 min)
    Office 2013 Class #36: Excel Basics 18: Excel Defined Names & Built-in Functions  (12:45 min)
    Office 2013 Class #37: Excel Basics 19: SUMIFS, COUNTIFS: Add & Count with Criteria/Conditions  (24:30 min)
    Office 2013 Class #38: Excel Basics 20: Relative, Absolute and Mixed Cell References  (28:37 min)
    Office 2013 Class #39: Excel Basics 21: Orientate Formula Inputs To Allow Mixed Cell References (13:28 min)
    Office 2013 Class #40: Excel Basics 22: Don't Violate Excel's Golden Rule  (8:21 min)
Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video35-39-Excel2013Basics17-21-MoreFormulas&References.xlsm"
    1) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" all the way to HW(10)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.
Homework from textbook:
    2) Excel Chapter 2 Project: pages EX 65-118 (Be sure to watch video 40 BEFORE attempting this problem).

Video/Class Project 41-42, Excel 2013 Basics 23-24:
Handout to download:  Video41-42-Excel2013Basics23-24-DataAnalysisSortFilterPivotTablesFormulas.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: Video41-42-Excel2013Basics23-24-DataAnalysisSortFilterPivotTablesFormulas.xlsm
Video to watch:
Office 2013 Class #41: Excel Basics 23: Sort and Filter, Basic Data Analysis (24 Examples)  (25:54 min)
Office 2013 Class #42: Excel Basics 24: PivotTables for Data Analysis (21 Examples)   (32:40 min)

Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video41-42-Excel2013Basics23-24-DataAnalysis:SortFilterPivotTablesFormulas.xlsm"
    1) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" all the way to HW(10)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.

Video/Class Project 43, Excel 2013 Basics 25:
Handout to download:  Video43-Excel2013Basics25-Charts.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: Video43-Excel2013Basics25-Charts.xlsm
Video to watch: Office 2013 Class 43, Excel Basics 25, Excel 2013 Charts: Chart Types, Chart Formatting, more (43:38 min)
Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video43-Excel2013Basics25-Charts.xlsm"
    1) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" all the way to HW(6)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.

Video/Class Project 44-45, Excel 2013 Basics 26-27:
Handout to download:  Video44-45-Excel2013Basics26-27-IFandVLOOKUPFunctions.docx
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: Video44-45-Excel2013Basics26-27-IFandVLOOKUPFunctions.xlsm
Video to watch:
Office 2013 Class #44, Excel Basics 26: IF Function Made Easy 8 Examples  (12:07 min)
    Office 2013 Class #45: VLOOKUP Function Made Easy 24 Examples - How To Use VLOOKUP   (33:40 min)

Homework in the Excel Workbook File named "Video44-45-Excel2013Basics26-27-IFandVLOOKUPFunctions.xlsm "
    1) Blue Sheets named "HW(1)" all the way to HW(4)" at the end of the workbook file. Instructions for homework in yellows cells at top of sheet.





Feb 25, 2015 PivotTable Fun Workbook

Feb 11, 2016 Rev Data Set

Feb 24: Busn216-BudgetProblem.xlsx

March 9, 2016: 2015-2016SalesTransactions.xlsx

March 9, 2016: RegionalReportEmail.docx