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Click link, then click SAVE to download:

Ch07ExcelWorkbook.xls (this has all class content, homework templates, homework solutions)

Chapter07PowerPoint (Notes)

Chapter07pdf (drawing of NYSE trading floor)

Watch videos for Chapter 07 (Click link):

YouTube video about NYSE: NYSE (3 mins)

Excel Finance Class 59: Common & Preferred Stock  (15 mins)

Excel Finance Class 60: Basics Of Financial Markets (15 mis)

Excel Finance Class 61: Stock Value Based on Present Value of Future Dividend Cash Flows (9 mins)

Excel Finance Class 62: Preferred Stock Valuation as A Perpetuity  (3 mins)

Excel Finance Class 63: Stock Valuation with Dividend Growth Model  (5 mins)

Excel Finance Class 64: Chart How Stock Value Changes for Dividend Growth Model as Inputs Change  (8 mins)

Excel Finance Class 65: Calculate Stock Price at Time t using Dividend Growth Model  (6 mins)

Excel Finance Class 66: Calculate Implied Return using Dividend Growth Model  (4 mins)

Excel Finance Class 67: Irregular Dividend Payments, Followed by Constant Growth -- Stock Valuation (14 mins)
