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Math 163: Calculus III

Fall 2022

Contents [Top]

Discussion Seminars  [Top Contents]



Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to make sure that you know how to access the tech in this class.

Instructions: Answer the following and upload your results as a pdf into Gradescope (check your email for an invite to Gradescope).

1.) General Questions: Name (and what you want to be called), major, and how many quarters have you attended Highline
2.) Life questions: Are you and your family safe (COVID/health)? Are you stable economically? How are you feeling about the racial unrest in America?  How (if at all) are you impacted by the war in Ukraine (or other wars/conflicts)?
3.) Class/school: What (if anything) is the best/worst part about returning to face-to-face college? What (if anything) may I do as your instructor to support you at this time?
4.) Tech resources: Do you have good and consistent internet access? Do you have consistent access to a computer that you can use for this class?  Are you able to print (at home or at school)?
5.) Accessing the apps/web used in this class
        a.) Canvas: What is the class image?
        b.) WebAssign: How many questions are in assignment, "12.1: 3D Coordinates"
        c.) Dusty's Webpage:
                - What stickers are on page two of the completed workalong for 12.1 of the class website? 
                - How many completed workalongs are linked on the class website?
                - How many minutes long is the 12.1 video? 
        d.) YouTube: Dusty is not (yet) a famous YouTuber.  Which of the videos on his channel has the most views?
        e.) Slack: What was the date when Dusty started at Highline (posted in Slack).
        f.) Gradescope: Upload your responses as a pdf into Gradescope.

Discussion Seminar I: Letters from Previous Students

Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to help you get the most from this class by having you reflect upon what former students have shared.

Instructions: Please read three letters from past students.  Use your observations of the letters and reflections upon your own skills and ablities as a mathematician to answer the following.  Please upload your results as a pdf into Gradescope.

0.) What is your name?  In general, do you like to hear your name spoken?  (Dale Carnegie said: "Remember that a person's name is to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.")
1.) Please read (at least) three letters from my former students. Read the letters that correlate to (1st) your birth month, (2nd) one more than month + 12 (mod 16), and (3rd) one more than month + 9 (mod 16).  For example, if you are born in May, you would read  letters 5, 1+17mod(16)=2, and 1+14mod(16)=15
2.) What is one similarily you have with these students ... one difference
3.) What are two habits they indicate will help you be successful?
4.) What are two questions/concerns that the letters address?
5.) Having read the letters, you now have a sense for how this class may foster broader math skills. What mathematical skills and abilities would you like to develop this quarter? If you need somewhere to start, here is an article on 10 skills and abilities that math students develop. 

Discussion Seminar II: Musa on Overcoming Obstacles

Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage and inspire while also providing an opportunity to reflect on self-perceptions and habits.  Answer the following and upload your results as a pdf into Gradescope.  Please bring a printed copy to class.

Instructions: Please watch this short video (Musa on Overcoming Obstacles) and then answer the following.

1.) What is your name?  Do you have any tricks for remembering your name?  (For example, I introduce myself by saying my name is Dusty, like a road.)
2.) Musa says that we must know who we are (not let others define us). Who are you?
3.) Musa says that we should know, but not focus on our goals. Rather we should focus on our behaviors that will help us reach our goals. What are behaviors on which you should be focusing?
4.) What do you need (from yourself and others) to finish this quarter strong?

Discussion Seminar III: Math and Religion

Overview: After a year of calculus with its many applications, it can be tempting to think math can be used for everything.  But is this true?  Are there questions outside of math?One area where math is sometimes seen as an allie, sometimes as enemy, and often ignored is in the area of religion.  This assignment invites you to ask and wonder.

Instructions: Please read this article (Math and Religion) and then answer the following.

1.) What is your name?  What does it mean?  (mine is Dustin which means valient fighter)
2.) Some people claim that math and religion are at odds.  Why might this be?
3.) Others claim that math and religion work together.  How might they support this?
4.) What, if any, connection do you see between mathematics and religion?
5.) How confident are you in your answer?

Discussion Seminar IV: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences

Overview: One of the amazing impacts of the invention/discovery of the calculus was that this "simple" tool could explain and be applied to so many applications in science.  If you will, moving symbols around on paper seemed incredibly effective at describing nature.  Is this just a coincidence? In this famous article, the physicist Eugene Wigner asks whether this is an unreasonable effectiveness. 

Instructions: Please read this dense article (The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences) and then answer the following.

0.) What is your name?  Do you have a nickname?  (Other than my nickname Dusty, I was also called Chewie and Encyclopedia)
1.) The author provides a number of examples of where he believes mathematics unreasonably effective. Pick one of these examples and explain why Wigner believes mathematics unreasonably effective.
2.) In light of the article, does the effectiveness of mathematics as used by physicists and other scientists seem "unreasonable" to you? Explain.
3.) Wigner described the usefulness and power of mathematics as a miracle. How do you explain the existence and usefulness of mathematics?

 Discussion Seminar V: Where Math Comes From? (video and video)

Overview: This assignment asks you to take on one of the great mysteries of mathematics.  Have you ever wondered where math comes from?  Is mathematics discovered or invented? 

Instructions: Please watch these short videos (Where Math Comes From? (video and video)) and then answer the following.

0.) What is your name?  How many of your family members have attended College and how (if at all) does this influence you?
1.) Why might some mathematicians believe math is invented?
2.) Why might other mathematicians believe math is discovered?
3.) Do you believe math is invented or discovered?  Why.
4.) How confident are you in your response?

Discussion Seminar VI: Hilbert's Hotel (TED ed video)

Overview: Infinity is a mysterious concept.  This illustration helps us understand how there can be an infinite infinities.

Instructions: Please watch this short video (TED ed video) and read this article (Hilbert's Hotel) prior to answering the following question.

0.) What is your name?  What sources of information do you trust?  What sources don't your trust?
1.) Explain the idea of a one-to-one correspondence (think "Hotel Rooms.")
2.) Explain how there are the same number of even numbers as whole numbers.
3.) Can any infinite set fit inside Hilbert's hotel?  Why or why not.

Discussion Seminar VII: Divergent Series and the Loss of Certainty

Overview: While Power Series may be the "Swiss Army Knife" of function families, they have an Achilles heel.  They do not converge (work) everywhere and these trouble spots have caused confusion and questions in some of the most amazing mathematicians of the ages. 

0.) What is your name?  What is an ethical choice you have faced since the start of the pandemic?
1.) What was the original intent behind the creation/discovery of infinite series?
2.) What misunderstanding(s) led to the belief that 1/2 = 1+1-1+1-1+ ...?
3.) What did mathematicians do to fill in holes created by their vagueness and lack of proof?

Discussion Seminar VIII: Plato's Allegory of the Cave (TED ed video)

Overview: In understanding the world, some basic philosophical concepts are important.  One of these is Plato's Allegory of the cave.  Here is a video outling the allegory and then you can read the full work here.  Note: The most famous film based upon the Allegory is The Matrix.

0.) What is your name? What is something you thought you understood, but were wrong?
1.) In the context of mathematics, who is the prisoner who escapes the cave? Explain.
2.) Interpreting the allegory as a mathematician, what are examples of the shadows inside the cave? What are the ideal objects outside the cave?
3.) How can we free ourselves as mathematicians and scientists to see the real world? Explain.
4.) How do/can we know that we are the ones who are truly free?

Discussion Seminar IX: Letter to a Future Student

Overview: This week you have a chance to reflect, direct, and encourage a future student.  Please write a 1+ page letter to my linear algebra students next quarter.

1.) Introduce yourself, what you are majoring in, and a bit about your background.
2.) What were some of the challenges you faced this quarter (personally or as a student) and how did you make it through?
3.) What advice do you have for being successful in a class taught by Dusty?
4.) Please end your letter with something to encourage the reader.