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1) Download files:

Excel File that goes with Videos: Ch02-ESA.xlsm

Data Set For Ch 02 Homework File #18 NBAPlayerPts.csv


2) Click below links to watch class videos at YouTube:

Excel Statistical Analysis 05: Frequency Distributions & Visualizations for Categorical Data (33:36 min)

Excel Statistical Analysis 06: Frequency Distributions, Visualizations & Skew for Quantitative Data (28:44 min)

Excel Statistical Analysis 07: Cross Tabulation: Two Variable Summary (33:10 min)

Excel Statistical Analysis 08: Scatter Plots: Relationships Between Two Variables (12:27 min)


3) When you are done studying the videos, then you download homework templates from Canvas, read the textbook, and complete textbook homework problems for practice.


4) After you are done studying the above videos and textbook work, download the Test #2 file and the test csv file to the Busn 210 class folder you created in video #1.

Here are the files:
csv file for test

After you have completed your test, then upload to the Home Area of Canvas.