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PowerPoint Class Content

In the following video about PowerPoint, you can skip the part about inserting videos into your PowerPoint Presentation. On most computers this process will not work because of Microsoft's proprietary rules for video files. The video section of the video will not be on any quizzes or tests.

Video/Class Project 11:
Video to watch:
  Office 2016 Video #12: Create PowerPoint Presentation With Pictures, Links and Videos   ( 34:08 min)
Start file for Video/Class Project to download: None
Files we need to insert into PowerPoint Presentation:
QuickExcelVideo.mp4  (This video file type, ".mp4" is different than the one I used in the video)

Finished file for Video/Class Project to download (example of how file looks after video is over): Busn216Presentation.pptx
Handout to download: Office2016Class12PowerPoint.pdf
Assigned Homework: None