WORD Mail Merge with Excel data source
and Access data source
ii. Click OK, click OK
iii. Highlight the text in the letter that says: “First and Last Name”
1. Click “More items,” you should see this:
iv. Double-click “First Name,” click “Close”
1. Type a space
2. Click “More items,” double-click “Last Name,” click “Close”
v. Highlight the text in the letter that says: “DAYS”
1. Click “More items,” double-click “Days Past Due”, click “Close”
vi. Highlight the text in the letter that says: “$$$”
vii. Click “More items,” double-click “Balance Due,” click “Close”
viii. Click “NEXT: Preview your letters”
i. Alt F9 ( to view code)
ii. Insert code at end of merged field for “Balance Due”: \# $#,###.00
iii. The code will look like this:
"Balance_Due"\# $#,###.00 }
iv. After you toggle out of Code view (Alt F9), the answer will be formatted like this: $2,100.00.