Grade book:
- Click in cell A1 and type: Grade book
- Hit enter
- Highlight the range A1 to Q1
- On the formatting toolbar, click the following
- Merge and Center
- Bold
- Fill cells with color (paint bucket)
- Font color (Letter with color)
- Double-click the sheet tab and type: Grade Book
- Hit enter
- In cell A3 type: 1
- In cell A4 type the formula: =A3+1
- Hit enter
- Highlight cell A4
- Point to the fill handle
- When your curser turns to a cross hair, click and
copy the formula down to cell A27
- In B2 type “Names”
- Click in cell C2 and type “HW 1,” then copy the
contents of C2 across to G2
- Click in cell H2 and type “Quiz 1,” then copy the
contents of H2 across to L2
- In cell M2 type “Midterm”
- In cell N2 type “Final”
- In cell O2 type “Totals”
- In cell P2 type “% Grade”
- In cell O2 type “Grade”
- In cell B3 type: Max Scores
- Type names in the range B4 to B27
- On the menu bar, point to File, then point to
“Save As”
- Save in: Desktop (or other disc or drive)
- File name: “Your Name Grade Book”
- File type: .xls
- Using the control key selection trick: Highlight
the ranges B2:B27 & C2:Q2
- Click the bold button
- On the standard toolbar, click the Save button
- Highlight A3:Q3
- Click the “Paint Bucket” button and select yellow
- Click the Font Color button and select Automatic
- In the range C3:N3 create your max scores for
each item
- For the first two students create scores
- Click in cell O3 and use the AutoSum button to
create a SUM function
- Copy the formula down and use the smart tag to avoid
copying the yellow cell color
- In cell P3 use relative cell references and absolute
cell references, create the following formula (be sure to type your equal
sign first):

- Copy the formula down and use the smart tag to
avoid copying the yellow cell color
- Highlight the range A1:Q27 and then click the All
Borders button
- Wow, we are done (with the beginning of
- File, Page Setup:
- Page Tab: Landscape, Fit to 1 by 1 page
- Margins: Center on page Horizontally
- Headers/Footers: Custom Header, add code for
workbook name