
Calculator Rental - Q & A

Questions: Answers:
How much does a rental graphing calculator
$20 per quarter
What is the procedure for renting a calculator? 1.) Pay rental at the cashier's office (Building 6).

2.) Submit receipt to the instructor (18-214)

3.) Pick up the calculator from him.

When must the calculator be returned? The calculator must be returned to the instructor
upon withdrawal from class, or on the day of the
final exam.
What happens if I do not return my rental calculator on time? 1.) A letter will be sent to you to notify you of your grievous crime.

2.) A fine will be charged payable only with U.S. currency

3.) A hold will be placed on future registration.

Dusty Wilson
Mathematics Instructor
Highline Community College
the home page of ... Dusty Wilson

  last modified April 02, 2012