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Math 220: Linear Algebra

Winter 2015

Contents [Top]

Topics of Study  [Top Contents]

Topic Handouts Lectures Notes
Linear Equations
1.1: Intro to Linear Systems
1.2: Matrices, Vectors, and Gauss-Jordan Elimination
1.3: Matrix Algebra

1.1 text
1.2 text
1.3 text

1.1 notes
1.2 notes
1.3 notes
Linear Transformations
2.1: Intro to Linear Transformations and Their Inverses
2.2: Linear Transformations in Geometry (notebook requiring the CDF player)
2.3: Matrix Products
2.4: The Inverse of a Linear Transformation

2.1 text (Example)
2.2 text
2.3 text
2.4 text

2.1 notes
2.2 notes
2.3 notes
2.4 notes
Subspaces of Rn and Their Dimension
3.1: Image and Kernel
3.2: Subspaces; Bases and LI
3.3: The Dimension of a Subspace
3.4: Coordinates
3.1 notes
3.2 notes
3.3 notes
3.4 notes
4.1: Intro to Linear Spaces
4.2: Linear Transformations and Isomorphisms
4.3: Matrix of a Linear Transformation
  4.1 notes
4.2 notes
4.3 notes
Orthogonality and Least Squares
5.1: Orthogonal Projections and Bases
5.2: Gram-Schmidt and QR Factorization
5.3: Orthogonal Transformations and Matrices
5.4: Least Squares and Data Fitting
5.1 notes
5.2 notes
5.3 notes
5.4 notes
6.1: Intro to Determinants
6.2: Properties of Determinants
6.3: Geometrical Interpretations of the Determinant
6.1 notes
6.2 notes
6.3 notes
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
7.1: An Introductory Example
7.2: Finding the Eigenvalues of a Matrix
7.3: Finding the Eigenvectors of a Matrix
7.4: Diagonalization
7.5: Complex Eigenvalues
7.6: Stability
7.1 notes
7.2 notes
7.3 notes
7.4 notes
7.5 notes
7.6 notes