Math 153: Calculus III
Spring 2012
Procedural Documents [Top]
Topic |
Handouts |
Lectures Notes |
Ch 10: Parametric Equations |
Ch 12: Vectors |
12.02: Vectors applet (here)
12.04: Cross Product (here)
12.5: Lines in 3-Space (here)
12.5: Misc Examples (here)
Ch 13: Vector Functions |
13.02 examples (here)
13.02 example 3 solution (here)
13.03 space curves (here)
- 3D Vector Animations: The
Helix and the
Trefoil Knot
Ch 11: Infinite Sequences and Series |
- PowerPoint - What test should I use? (here)
- 11.07 Worksheet and
- Mathematica Notebooks to show applications of Power Series.
- Mathematica Notebook introducing the MacLaurin Series.
- An Elusive Limit in 11.10 (here).
- Mathematica Notebook on the error analysis involved in using Taylor
Polynomials. 11.12_error_analysis.nb