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the homepage of ... Dusty WilsonMathematics Instructor |
For Students
For Faculty |
Syllabus |
Description: (5 credits) Applications
of functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic) in business
and social sciences, including total cost, total revenue, total profit,
breakeven analysis, supply/demand and market equilibrium, exponential
growth and decay, fitting curves to data with graphing utilities; theory
of matrices; graphical methods for optimization (linear programming
problems); and mathematics of finance (arithmetic and geometric
sequences and sums).
Course Objectives: The student will be able to …
BUY NO BOOK. We will
use the Academic Systems Personal
Academic Notebook
(PAN). The PAN along with
supplemental materials will be mailed to you.
The cost is included in the fee for the course.
Internet Access:
You must have a computer with internet access.
Because this course requires you to install software on your PC,
you cannot count on libraries for this.
You also need a working e-mail account that you check regularly.
Math 097 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or COMPASS algebra score of 71. Calculators:
A scientific calculator is required and a graphing calculator (TI
83/4) is recommended.
To rent a graphing calculator, pay the rental fee at
the cashier in building 6 and then submit the form to the librarian at
the circulation desk. Attendance:
Since this is an online class, regular attendance is not required
(although participation is).
However, you will need to take four proctored exams during the quarter.
These may be taken on campus or we can arrange a proctor if you
are not able to come to campus.
This is not a self-paced class. I have prepared a weekly schedule for
you to follow. You may work ahead of the schedule, but it’s important
that you do not fall behind. The schedule of topics for this course
assumes that you will be spending at least 12 to 15 hours per week
studying the course materials online, doing homework, and working other
practice problems. If mathematics is difficult for you, it may be
necessary to spend more time both on-line and off-line working with the
material. Homework:
There are two types of homework for each section – online and
paper pencil. Each will be
weighted equally toward your grade.
Homework from the PAN (textbook) will be assigned.
Problems from supplemental handouts will be assigned.
Write your name, the date, and the section in the upper-right corner.
Multiple page assignments should be numbered.
Each problem should be clearly labeled with the problem number.
Your work should be done neatly in pencil and you should
generously space each problem.
Your homework will be graded for completion.
Missed assignments will be given a score of zero.
Late assignments will not
be accepted.
The Academic Systems course has
computer-based “Evaluates” at the end of each section.
These are similar to section quizzes.
Each section begins with a “Pre-test.”
I recommend that you skip over the pre-test until you have
completed the section. At
this point, you may take the pre-test as practice for the evaluate.
If you score 95% on the pre-test, it will count as your evaluate
Be aware
that you cannot exit the program in the middle of an evaluate, so avoid
starting one at the end of class.
Academic Systems program will allow you to take each evaluate a maximum
of three times (the test changes slightly each time), with only the
highest score counting towards your grade.
I understand the desire to keep working on a single section until
you “get it right.” But, I need
to help you recognize when you must move on, regardless.
For that reason, evaluates must be completed prior to each exam.
There will be five tests given during the quarter.
Tests - There will be five paper and pencil tests. Each test is
given in a 2 day window in the Testing Center building 3 room 101.
Test dates are Friday (open 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.) and Saturday (open 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m.) Tests are planned to be completed in about 1 hour, BUT
you are not timed and may take as long as you need if you plan
accordingly and are in the test center in plenty of time. You will
NOT be allowed to start the exam one day and finish it another. You
choose the day (Friday or Saturday) that works best for you.
You will need
to have photo ID with you when you take the test.
No notes, no
books, but calculators and pencils are a must!!
Turn your
homework problems (stapled and labeled with your name and section from
the book) to the testing proctor.
The tests will be cumulative, but will emphasize the material covered
since the last test.
The tests will cover computer and supplemental topics (see schedule).
If a score of less than 70% is earned on an exam, you must meet (in
person or by phone/e-mail) with your instructor prior to taking
subsequent exams. In these
conversations, personalized learning plans may be developed.
If you miss a test, a score of 0% may be assigned.
Spoken and written communication as well as sharing of calculators
during exams is prohibited.
E-mail responsiveness: 5%, Homework: 15%, Evaluates: 15%, and Tests 65%.
GPA’s will be given according to the following scale:
Policies and
This is an academic class.
Your instructor and classmates should be treated with respect.
Disregard for this policy will impact your grade.
Changes and corrections to grading must take place during the week
following the original distribution of the graded material.
It is your responsibility to confirm accurate grading and bring
it to my attention in a timely fashion.
H1N1, absence,
and missed exams:
In general, I do not give make up exams or accept late work.
However, if you contact me in advance regarding a missed exam, I
will allow you to replace the missing exam grade with a subsequent
score. For example, if you
missed Test 2, your Test 3 score would be used in place of the missing
Math Resource
Math materials, study space, and math tutoring help is available in 26-3
Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are
unacceptable at
If you have any special concerns about this class, please talk to me
personally in my office. The
more I know about you individually, the more I can help you be
successful in this course.
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of dis-Ability;
if you have emergency medical information to share with me; or if you
need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please
provide me with the Letter of Accommodation you have received from the
Office of Access Services.
Access Services is located in Building 6 in the
Important Dates:
The last day to drop without incurring a “W” and the last day to
officially withdraw with a “W” are listed in the quarterly.
Last updated: September 09, 2013
the homepage of ...Dusty Wilson was developed and is maintained by ... Dusty Wilson. If you have questions or concerns about the content, please contact him. To contact the Highline Community
College Web Coordinator please email: Highline Community College Public Disclosure and Privacy Policy |