Math 116
Pre-Calculus II
Winter 2003
Item #6463
Instructor: |
Dusty Wilson |
Office: |
18-214 |
Phone: |
206-878-3710 ext. 3338 |
Hours: |
page: | |
e-mail: | |
Course Description: (5 credits) Trigonometric functions and their
graphs; identities; laws of sines; law of cosines; addition formulas; inverse
trigonometric functions; trigonometric equations; powers and roots of complex
numbers; conic sections; alternate coordinate systems.
Course Objectives: The student will be able to …
Know the definitions and understand the
basic properties of trig functions from both a right angle triangle and wrapping
function viewpoint. |
Understand and apply trig identities
that combine functions and/or angles |
Know basic trig terminology. |
Solve trig equations. |
Understand the relations between a trig
function and its inverse. |
Understand and apply the Law of Sines
and Law of Cosines were appropriate. |
Know the graphs of trig functions and
their inverses. |
Understand algebraic and geometric vectors and their
applications with special emphasis on polar coordinates. |
Use a calculator to evaluate trig
functions at at special values |
Find powers and roots of complex numbers using De
Moivre’s Theorem. |
Verify various trig identities |
Understand and work with topics on conic sections. |
Text: Precalculus, 5th edition, Barnett
and Ziegler. Bring the book to class.
Prerequisite: Math 115 or
Calculators: A graphing calculator is required for this
The TI-83 or TI-83 plus is recommended.
The use of symbolic calculators such as the TI-89 and TI-92 will not be
allowed during exams. Furthermore, the use of all calculators may be prohibited
during some exams (forewarning will be given).
Calculators may be rented from the math department on a first come
first serve basis. To rent a calculator,
pay the rental fee at the cashier in building 6 and then submit the form to
Homework: The format and grading criteria for homework
is as follows.
Assigned Problems: You are to work every third
problem from each section beginning with 3, 6, 9, … The emphasis in grading will be on even problems.
Format: Homework should be done on
Engineering Paper. Write your name, the
date, and the section in the upper-right corner. Multiple page assignments must be stapled in
the upper-left corner. Each problem
should be clearly labeled with the problem number. Your work should be done neatly in pencil and
you should generously space each problem.
Grading: Your homework will be
graded for accuracy and completion. That
is, for each problem graded, one point will be given for a attempting the
problem and a second point will be given for the correct answer. Missed
assignments will be given a score of zero.
Your three assignments with the lowest score will be dropped from your
grade. Late assignments will not be accepted.
iv. Recommended Assignments: The first three and the last
five assignments (denoted by a “*”) are recommended, but will not be
i. One Point Quizzes: I will give short quizzes
during lectures to test your understanding of the material. These cannot be made up.
Tests: There will be four tests given during the
The exams will be cumulative, but will emphasize the material covered
since the last test.
If you miss a test, a score of 0% will be assigned. All tests must be taken during the scheduled
class time. No make-up tests.
Spoken and written communication as well as sharing of calculators
during exams is prohibited.
Final Exam: A comprehensive final exam
will be held in the regular class meeting room.
The final will be from
Grading: Homework: 10%, Miscellaneous:
5%, Exams: 55%, Final Exam: 30%. GPA’s
will be given according to:
95-100% |
4.0 |
%%% |
%%% |
%%% |
%%% |
93-4% |
3.9 |
84% |
3.1 |
76% |
2.3 |
68% |
1.5 |
60% |
0.7 |
91-2% |
3.8 |
83% |
3.0 |
75% |
2.2 |
67% |
1.4 |
59% |
0.6 |
90% |
3.7 |
82% |
2.9 |
74% |
2.1 |
66% |
1.3 |
58% |
0.5 |
89% |
3.6 |
81% |
2.8 |
73% |
2.0 |
65% |
1.2 |
57% |
0.4 |
88% |
3.5 |
80% |
2.7 |
72% |
1.9 |
64% |
1.1 |
56% |
0.3 |
87% |
3.4 |
79% |
2.6 |
71% |
1.8 |
63% |
1.0 |
55% |
0.2 |
86% |
3.3 |
78% |
2.5 |
70% |
1.7 |
62% |
0.9 |
54% |
0.1 |
85% |
3.2 |
77% |
2.4 |
69% |
1.6 |
61% |
0.8 |
0-53% |
0.0 |
Policies and Notes:
Attendance: You are responsible for all material covered in class including all announced changes to the schedule and assigned course work. (If you miss class, you are still responsible for everything in class).
Cell Phones: The use of cell phones, pagers, and palm pilots in class is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply may result in your removal from the classroom.
Corrections: Changes and corrections to grading must take place during the week following the original distribution of the graded material. It is your responsibility to confirm accurate grading and bring it to my attention in a timely fashion.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are unacceptable at Highline Community College and may result in lower grades and/or disciplinary action. It is both your right and responsibility to be familiar with the document entitled: Student Rights and Responsibilities code WAC 1321-1210 adopted by the Board of Trustees of Community College District 9 on July 9, 1992. This is available in the counseling center.
Special Concerns: If you have any special
concerns about this class, please talk to me personally in my office. The more I know about you individually, the
more I can help you be successful in this course. If you need course adaptations or
accommodations because of dis-Ability; if you have emergency medical
information to share with me; or if you need special arrangements in case the
building must be evacuated, please provide me with the Letter of Accommodation
you have received from the Office of Access Services. Access Services is located in Building 6 in
Important Dates: January 27th:
last day to drop without incurring a “W.”
March 7th: last day
to withdraw with a drop privilege.
last modified September 05, 2007