back to Math 115 8am home
Instructor: Dusty
206-878-3710 ext. 3338
Office Hours: 12
– 12:50pm M, T, W, and Th as well as 10 – 10:50am Th. I am also available by appointment, via e-mail, or drop-in.
home page:
Course Description: (5 credits) Study of functions; cover sets, relations,
equations of circles; function study including domain, range, inverses, 1-1,
algebra of functions. Types of
functions studied: polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational, and absolute
value; introduction to mathematical induction proofs and sequences and series.
Objectives: The student will be able to …
Manipulate functional notation and find domains and ranges of functions.
Recognize and graph polynomial functions, perform synthetic division.
Recognize and graph rational functions.
Recognize and graph absolute value functions.
Recognize and graph exponential functions.
Recognize and graph logarithmic functions.
Find zeroes of polynomials.
Determine 1-1 functions and find their inverses.
Solve equations and inequalities using principles of functions.
Apply the above knowledge to verbal problems.
Compose proofs by mathematical induction.
Understand the basic topics relating to sequences and series.
Know when and how to use a graphing calculator.
Math 097 or COMPASS algebra score of 71.
Text: Precalculus,
Functions and Graphs. Barnett,. Ziegler,
and Byleen. Bring book to
Calculators: A graphing calculator is required for this course.
I will perform classroom demonstrations on a TI-83.
Calculators may be rented by paying the rental fee of $20 at the
cashier's office (building 6) and then submitting the form to me.
I will then give you a calculator.
Attendance: You are responsible for all material covered in class
including all announced changes to the schedule and assigned course work.
(If you miss class, you are still responsible for everything in
Tutor Center: Cost-free
individual and group mathematics tutoring is available at the Tutoring Center.
The Tutor Center is located in building 19, room 206.
Homework: (Format) Paper:
Homework should be done on Engineering Paper (Engineer’s Computation Pad,
$3.69 in the Bookstore). Upper
right-hand corner: Name, date, and assignment number.
Upper left-hand corner: A staple (if necessary).
Your work should be done neatly in pencil and you should generously space
each problem. Homework will be
assigned and collected daily. Late assignments will not be accepted.
(Grading) There will be five
points for each assignment. Your
homework grade will be based on your sum total of homework points excluding your
lowest three assignments. This
point total will be divided into the total points possible to calculate the
final grade. Homework will be
graded for format, accuracy, and the clarity of the supporting work.
Project: The project, “The Perfect Route,” will be assigned early
in the quarter. Portions of the
project will be due periodically with the final version of the project due
February the 19th at the beginning of class.
Quizzes: There will be nine quizzes given during the quarter (usually
on Fridays after answering homework questions).
The quizzes will all be cumulative, but will emphasize the material
covered since the last quiz. (Grading)
Your best seven out of the nine quizzes will count towards your final
grade. If you miss a quiz, a score
of 0% will be assigned. All quizzes
must be taken during the scheduled class time.
No make-up quizzes.
Remember, your lowest two
scores are dropped.
Final Exam: The final exam will be held in the regular class meeting room,
8 – 9:50am on Tuesday, March the 19th. No make-ups will
be given for the final exam - make your plans accordingly.
The final exam is comprehensive over the material covered during the
Homework: 10%, Project: 10%, Quizzes: 60%, Final
Exam: 20%. (Note: Homework may be
excluded from the final grade at the discretion of the instructor).
points will be assigned for an overall course percentage grade of:
90-100% |
4.0 |
%%% |
%%% |
%%% |
89% |
3.9 |
79% |
2.9 |
69% |
1.9 |
59% |
0.9 |
88% |
3.8 |
78% |
2.8 |
68% |
1.8 |
58% |
0.8 |
87% |
3.7 |
77% |
2.7 |
67% |
1.7 |
57% |
0.7 |
86% |
3.6 |
76% |
2.6 |
66% |
1.6 |
56% |
0.6 |
85% |
3.5 |
75% |
2.5 |
65% |
1.5 |
55% |
0.5 |
84% |
3.4 |
74% |
2.4 |
64% |
1.4 |
54% |
0.4 |
83% |
3.3 |
73% |
2.3 |
63% |
1.3 |
53% |
0.3 |
82% |
3.2 |
72% |
2.2 |
62% |
1.2 |
52% |
0.2 |
81% |
3.1 |
71% |
2.1 |
61% |
1.1 |
51% |
0.1 |
80% |
3.0 |
70% |
2.0 |
60% |
1.0 |
0-50% |
0.0 |
January 28th: last
day to drop without incurring a “W.” March
8th: last day to withdraw with a drop privilege.
Special Concerns: If you have any special concerns about this class, please
talk to me personally in my office. The
more I know about you individually, the more I can help you be successful in
this course. If you need course
adaptations or accommodations because of dis-Ability; if you have emergency
medical information to share with me; or if you need special arrangements in
case the building must be evacuated, please provide me with the Letter of
Accommodation you have received from the Office of Access Services. Access Services is located in Building 6 in the Student
Development Center.