Letter of Recommendation
I take the writing of letters of recommendation very seriously. It is a
service that I provide to help the recipient receive recognition for their
unique strengths. As such, the writing of a good letter consumes a lot of
time and requires that I have good information from which to work. In
order for me to write the best letter possible, please respond to the following
questions. Remember, the more time and information you can give me, the
better a letter I can potentially give to you.
Background Information
- Please give your full name (I often remember first names only).
- The purpose of the letter (e.g., scholarships or admittance).
- The exact name and address of the person to whom I should address the
letter. If you would like more than one letter, please list all of the
names and addresses.
- The exact date the letter must be delivered (please
allow at least two weeks).
- For those asking for an letter regarding academic achievement:, please list all of the math classes you have taken at Highline (or other
Essay Questions
- Please write a personal biography of yourself (at least a page). I
ask for this for a variety of reasons: The biography helps me to include
aspects of your life outside of school that may explain or be reflective of
your school work. Writing will help prepare you for the writing of
cover letters, application essays, and resumes. The biographies are
very interesting to me - it is fun to get to know who you "really
- Please give an educational biography to help me understand what brought
you to Highline and what you have done educationally since arriving at
- Please describe your educational/personal goals as well as the way your
arrived at these goals.
Other Documents
- A copy of your transcript.
- Samples of your work if you believe they would be helpful to me.
- Other info you believe would help me write the best letter possible.
How to Send this Info
- Please send me this info at least two weeks prior to needing the letter.
If it is less time, then make sure to talk to me specifically about the timing
- Please combine all info into a single pdf (or Word doc).
- Please title your email: "LoR Info (need by [date] at [time]"
- Please send me a reminder email 1 week before the deadline, 3 work days,
and the day before the deadline. Title these: "Requested Reminder: LoR
needed in [1 week]"
- I will send you an email when the letter is written and submitted.
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